Terms and conditions

1. [definitions]

The terms used in Dacza Puchacza Regulations have the following meaning:

  • Dacza - Dacza Puchacza facility run by HousExpert Agencja Nieruchomości sp. z o.o.,
  • Host - HousExert Agencja Nieruchomości sp. z o.o. located in Poznań, 60-846, ul. J. Kochanowskiego 1/3B, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register, under KRS number 0000598184, under the NIP No.: 7831736552, REGON No.: 363547817,
  • Guest - any natural person staying at the Dacza site.

2. [general provisions]

  1. The Terms and Conditions determine the rules for using the Dacza site.
  2. The Terms and Conditions apply to all Guests staying at the Dacza site.
  3. The Terms and Conditions constitute an integral part of the contract concluded between the Guest and the Host.

3. [rules of reservation, prices]

  1. Staying at yurts requires prior reservation.
  2. Reservations are accepted only by phone at +48 506 109 229, by e-mail at: [email protected]through the Reservations tab at website or through legitimate booking portals.
  3. Each reservation requires prepayment in the amount of the entire stay. The prepayment is made to the Dacza bank account number: 61 1090 1476 0000 0001 3228 0422. Payment should be made within 3 days from the confirmation of the availability of the yurt at a given date.
  4. In the absence of payment in due course, the reservation will not be confirmed. If the payment is received at a later date, the Dacha reserves the right to return it together with a note of refusal due to the expiry of the payment deadline. It is recommended to send the payment confirmation at: [email protected].
  5. After the payment has been recorded, a booking confirmation will be sent to the e-mail address provided. Upon receipt of the e-mail confirming the booking, the contract is concluded between the parties.
  6. Cancellation of the reservation more than 14 days before the arrival date entitles the Guest to a refund of 30% of the prepayment. In case of cancellation of the reservation less than 14 days before the arrival date the prepayment is not refunded, and the Guest has the right to make a new booking within the period of 1 year from the date of cancellation of the original reservation.
  7. If at least 2 yurts are booked a deposit of PLN 500 is charged for each yurt. The deposit is returned by bank transfer, within three days after the Guest's departure.
  8. For group bookings (minimum two yurts) there is an additional cleaning fee of PLN 200, paid by bank transfer before arrival.
  9. For group reservations (minimum two yurts) there is an additional cleaning charge of PLN 200, to be paid by bank transfer before arrival.

4. [check-in and check-out]

  1. Yurts are reserved for full days. Check-in time is at 3.00 pm and check-out time is at 11.00 am on the day of departure.
    w dniu przyjazdu a kończy o godzinie 11.00 w dniu wyjazdu.
  2. Guests may arrive after 10.00 pm only after prior arrangement with the Host. In the absence of arrival by 10:00 pm and the failure to agree a new arrival time, the Host has the right to cancel the reservation, without the obligation to return the payment or compensation.
  3. Later check-out than 11.00 am is possible only after agreement with the Host, on the day of check-in at the latest. No agreement in this regard and the use of the yurt after 11.00 am on the day of departure will result in additional charge for the next day.
  4. If the Guest stays for a shorter period than booked, the payment made is not refunded.
  5. Any items (except for groceries) left in the yurt will be stored at the site for 1 month. If the Guest does not claim them within this period, they will be disposed of.
  6. The Host has a statutory liens on the objects brought by the Guest to the yurt in the event of failure to pay for the stay or others resulting from the Terms and Conditions.
  7. Gość opuszczający jurtę powinien zamknąć zasłony, sprawdzić i wyłączyć
    z prądu urządzenia elektryczne, zakręcić krany, a także jeżeli korzystał z piecyka – pozostawić go zamknięty razem z zamkniętą szufladą na popiół, fajerką
    i szyberkiem.
  8. On check-out the yurt door must be locked and the key should be placed in the chest located at the front door. Also, the electric skylight should be closed and the stove should be put out and closed.

5. [rules for using the yurt, animals]

  1. Yurts are designed to accommodate 4 persons (including children). Yurts feature 2 sleeping places in the bedroom and 2 sleeping places on a sofa. It is not allowed for more people than specified above to stay in yurts without a prior consent of the Host.
  2. The Guest must not invite and/or sub-let the yurt to third parties, even if the rental period has not expired.
  3. Persons who were not included in the reservation are not allowed to stay in the Dacha, even if invited by the Guest. In this case, the Host has the right to charge an additional payment for each person not included in the reservation in the amount of PLN 250 per day.
  4. W jurtach oraz na tarasach obowiązuje całkowity zakaz palenia papierosów.
    W razie naruszenia zakazu Gość zostanie obciążony kosztami w wysokości 1500 PLN.
  5. It is forbidden to make any changes to the fittings of the yurt, with the exception of minor rearrangements of furniture or equipment, which the Guest does at their own risk.
  6. If the Guest notices or causes a defect in the equipment of the yurt, the Guest is obliged to notify the Host immediately, who will try to remove it without delay, if possible, if the defect prevents the use of the yurt.
  7. On request, it is possible to order a basket with local products for an additional charge.
  8. Pets are allowed, except for cats. Dogs up to 20 kg are allowed, larger dogs require the approval of the Host.
  9. Arrival with a pet should be agreed in advance with the Host.
  10. The owner is required to bring the following for their pet: bedding, bowls and all other necessary items.
  11. Sofas, blankets, dishes and any other equipment of the yurt cannot be used by a pet or passed to it. In event of violation of this provision the Guest will be charged PLN 500.
  12. A one-time charge of PLN 100 applies for a dog.
  13. Dogs of breeds or mixes of breeds commonly recognized as dangerous are not accepted in the Dacha.
  14. The owner will keep the pet in such a way that it does not pose a threat to other people staying in the Dacha. The Host reserves the right to ask the Guest with pets that pose a threat to other Guests to leave, without any compensation or a refund of the payment for the stay.
  15. The owner will clean up after their dog. If the Guest does not comply with this obligation the Host may charge them an additional payment of PLN 200.
  16. The owner bears all responsibility for their pet.

6. [general rules]

  1. Quiet hours are from 10.00 pm to 7.00 am. The Guests are required to refrain from activities that may disturb the quiet hours.
  2. Considering the location of the Dacha and its nature-related values, it is forbidden to make excessive noise at the site.
  3. The Dacha is a place of rest and relaxation therefore all Guests are obliged to use the Dacha in a manner that does not disturb the peace of other guests.
  4. W przypadku naruszenia pkt 1-3 powyżej, Gość zostanie poproszony
    o opuszczenie Daczy, bez prawa do zwrotu zapłaty oraz odszkodowania.
  5. W jurcie nie wolno używać żadnych urządzeń typu grzejnik, grzałka, palnik
    z uwagi na ochronę przeciwpożarową.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to store or/and consume intoxicants prohibited by law at the site. Violation of this provision will result in the Guest being expelled from the Dacza, without any compensation or a refund of the payment for the stay and the police being notified.
  7. Flammable, illumination and other dangerous materials, such as weapons and ammunition, cannot be stored in yurts.
  8. Due to safety reasons the common areas are under video surveillance.
  9. Starting a fire or a barbecue outside the designated areas is forbidden. Before leaving the bonfire site the fire must be extinguished with water.
  10. Do użytku Gości jest sauna oraz balia. Należy z nich korzystać zgodnie
    z instrukcją dostępną w jurcie. Korzystanie z nich odbywa się na własną odpowiedzialność Gościa.

7. [the parties' liability]

  1. The Host bears no liability for damage or loss of a car or other vehicle belonging to the Guest.
  2. Gospodarz nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za przedmioty pozostawione
    w pojeździe oraz żywe zwierzęta.
  3. Children under 18 can stay at the site only under the supervision of adults.
  4. The Guest bears liability for any kind of damage and destruction of the yurt equipment and the yurt itself, as well as all other devices and fittings in the Dacha.
  5. Gość jest zobowiązany do niezwłocznego powiadomienia Gospodarza
    o wystąpieniu szkody, bez względu na to z czyjej winy ona powstała.
    W przypadku gdy brak niezwłocznego powiadomienia spowoduje zwiększenie szkody, Gość będzie ponosił za to odpowiedzialność.
  6. In the event of damage being found, the Host has the right to charge the Guest with the costs of relevant repair. In the absence of the Guest's payment card details, the Guest will be required to cover the costs based on payment request.
  7. In the event of the breach of the Terms and Conditions the Host reserves the right to ask the Guest to leave the Dacza, without any compensation or a refund of the payment for the stay.

8. [personal data]

  1. The administrator of personal data of the Guest will be HousExpert Agencja Nieruchomości sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Poznań (hereinafter: We). As an administrator, We make sure that the personal data the Guest provides to us is safe. We can be contacted by post at: J. Kochanowskiego 1/3B, 60-846 Poznań, by e-mail: [email protected]
  2. The personal data of the Guests will be processed in order to:
    - conclude and perform the contract, as well as contact for purposes related to the performance of this contract. The basis for data processing is art. 6(1)(b) GDPR.
    - protect people and our property and to determine and pursue claims or defend against claims, as well as direct marketing of the services We offer - in this respect, the basis for processing is art. 6(1)(f) GDPR.
  3. We will transfer the Guest's personal data to entities processing them on our behalf, i.e. entities operating IT systems or providing us with IT tools, hosting providers, our associates and entities providing accounting services for us.
  4. Podmioty te przetwarzają dane na podstawie umowy z nami i tylko zgodnie
    z naszymi poleceniami, przy czym zakres danych do których mają dostęp jest ograniczony wyłącznie do danych niezbędnych do wykonania czynności na nasze zlecenie.
  5. Będziemy przechowywać dane osobowe do momentu wygaśnięcia przysługujących nam roszczeń związanych z wykonaniem umowy. Przechowujemy również dane osobowe przez okres, który wynika
    z wykonywania przez nas obowiązków (np. podatkowych, rachunkowych)
    w celu umożliwienia weryfikacji ich wypełnienia przez organy publiczne.
  6. In terms of video surveillance, we will store the data for a maximum period of three months. However, if the monitoring recordings could be used as evidence in civil, court or administrative proceedings, the period of their storage is extended until the final termination of the proceedings.
  7. The Guest has the right to access their data at any time. In addition, the Guest may request rectification, deletion, and limitation of the processing of personal data.
  8. The Guest also has the right to file a complaint with the Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data if they believe that the processing of their personal data violates the law.
  9. In case of personal data processing on the basis of our legitimate interest (6(1)(f) GDPR), the Guest has the right to object to the processing of their personal data - for reasons related to a particular situation.
  10. Moreover, if We process the Guest's data for direct marketing purposes, the Guest also has the right to object to such processing at any time.
  11. Providing personal data by the Guest is voluntary, but necessary for the conclusion and performance of the contract. Entering the premises of our Dacza Puchacz facility will result in us obtaining the Guest's personal data. Providing data is voluntary, but necessary to enter the site.
  12. The Guest's data will not be processed in an automated manner, nor will We use them for profiling.

9. [final provisions]

  1. The host makes every effort to ensure that the Guest's stay meets their expectations. All complaints are accepted by e-mail: [email protected].
  2. The current prices can be found at:
  3. Terms and conditions are available at: and in every yurt.